Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire CHU Ibn Rochd organise un concours pour le recrutement de 260 postes répartis comme suit:

(200) Infirmiers et Techniciens de Santé.
(60) Techniciens de 3ème grade.

The Ibn Rochd University Hospital (CHUIR) in Casablanca is a public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy, under the supervision of the State. Its purpose is to ensure compliance with the provisions of the law and the regulations governing public institutions, as well as those related to the healthcare system and medical services.

CHUIR is subject to the financial control of the State, following the applicable legislation for public enterprises and other organizations.

It comprises three hospital facilities and a dental center. The name, headquarters, and constituent establishments of CHUIR are determined by regulations (Dahir N° 1-16-62 of 17 Chaabane 1437 (May 24, 2016), promulgating Law N° 70-13 on university hospital centers).

Le dernier délai pour postuler est le 25 Aout 2023.

Le concours aura lieu le 25 Septembre et 15 Octobre 2023.

Avis de Concours (200) Infirmiers et Techniciens de Santé

Avis de Concours (60) Techniciens de 3ème grade